Datastroyer MS

The Whitaker Brothers line of Datastroyer shredders are backed by over 65 years of experience and are sure to satisfy the security needs of professional and government applications. Their heavy duty and reliable office equipment is sure to shred and destroy an array of materials based on specific needs. With their specific lines of paper shredders, disintegrators, and me dia destruction devices, they have what you need in order to secure the safety of your company and its identity. All of their high security equipment is proven to meet or exceed NSA/CSS specifications and are DOD approved for government use for top secret and classified documents.

The Whitaker Brothers line of Datastroyer paper shredders utilizes crosscut shredding techniques and meets or exceeds NSA/CSS specification 02-01 for level 6 paper shredding. The Datastroyer disintegrators are the only disintegrators that come with standard features such as a fully enclosed base with integrated soundproofing, a welded plate construction with several flaps to reduce noise, an enclosed fan-cooled motor, high chrome and carbon D2 steel knives, and reversible bed knives. Both the disintegrators and media destruction equipment are commonly used to destroy CDs, DVDs, keytape, cassettes, floppy disks, flash sticks, and more. All are approved under NSA/CSS specification 02-02 for high security disintegrators and 04-02 for optical media.